InterAGRO 2020
AgricultureThe Exhibition
InterAGRO is the biannual meeting point of agriculture in Ukraine for leading investors and farmers. In 2018, more than 17,000 visitors came to the fair to meet 293 exhibitors, among them 50 international companies from 17 countries. Traditionally, they meet on renowned manufacturers of agricultural machinery showing their latest state-of-the-art technology of the leading national and international manufacturers with the focus on going easy on resources. This year InterAGRO will focus on issues of increasing economic efficiency of agribusiness by means of introducing innovative agrarian technologies, deep processing of agricultural products and improvement of agribusiness infrastructure as well.
The Market
Around 60 percent of Ukraine’s approximately 32.5 million hectares of arable land comprises fertile black-earth land. Hence, Ukraine has enormous potential for high crop yields. However, owing to outdated equipment on many farms, this potential cannot be exploited efficiently. According to Ukrainian Agribusiness Club statistics, small and medium-sized farms, in particular, lack modern tractors and combines. The country’s agricultural-holdings (operating more than 20,000 hectares of farmland each) are planning to invest heavily, particularly in crop cultivation, as well as in grain and oilseed processing and storage. Ukraine’s farm machinery and farm inputs producers are not competitive, and significant government subsidies for these industries are not to be expected. Thus, Ukraine offers foreign manufacturers potentially lucrative markets.
- Agricultural Machines and Equipment
- Plant Growing and Agricultural Chemistry
- Agricultural Economy and Management of Agricultural Industry
- Information Technologies and Agricultural Service
- Bioenergy

PostShow Report InterAGRO 2018

Productive beekeeping 2020 - FactSheet

Greenhouse business 2020 - FactSheet

Registration German Pavilion 2020

FactSheet InterAGRO 2020
293 Exhibitors
17 countries
17646 visitors
26900 sqm exhibition space
Kyiv International Contract Fair Ltd.
IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH