Kazakhstan is modernizing the country‘s irrigation infrastucture

Kazakhstan is modernizing the country‘s irrigation infrastucture. According to the outcome of a government call the tasks ahead are ambitious: A pool of projects combined in four blocks is being implemented. For instance, until the end of 2022, 6,785 kilometres of canals, four reservoirs, 239 vertical drainage wells and about 23 thousand other water facilities are to be reconstructed.

Further projects are envisaged to
 increase the area of irrigated land to reach 3 million hectars by 2030;
 reduce unproductive losses during water transportation;
 to stimulate agricultural producers to introduce modern water-saving technologies such as drip and sprinkler irrigation.

For details:
EN: http://government.kz/…/v-hode-modernizacii-irrigacionnoy-in…
RU: http://government.kz/…/v-hode-modernizacii-irrigacionnoy-in…

Do you feel your product portfolio might effectively support implementation of these ambitious goals? KazAgro fair ( 21-23 October, Nur-Sultan) is the place to let a professional audience know the impact your company might make: http://ifw-expo.de/exhib/kazagro-kazfarm-2020-en/



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