SAVE THE DATE! InterAGRO 2020, October 26-29, Kyiv

InterAGRO is the biannual meeting point of agriculture in Ukraine for leading investors and farmers. In 2018, more than 17,000 visitors came to the fair to meet on 300 renowned manufacturers of agricultural machinery and components showing their latest state-of-the-art technology, among them 50 international companies from 20 countries. Following the exhibitors’ request the show’s duration will be extended from three to four days.
The market
• Ukraine’s GDP growth in 2019 is estimated at about 3.3%. Among the factors that influenced economic activity last year were consistently high investment activity, a record grain harvest in 2019, an increase in the purchasing power of the population and a strengthening of the hryvna exchange rate.
• With 32.5 million hectares of a rable land Ukraine provides the second largest
arable area in Europe. The high percentage of black soil has an enormous potential leading to ever growing crop yields for grain and oil seeds being exported to a large amount.
• Ukraine is the the worlds No. 1 exporter of oil seeds, ranks third for corn exports and sixth for grain exports.
• Locational advantage for the agricultural production due to low wages and leases as well as the proximity to the sales markets in Eastern Europe, Near East and Central Asia.
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